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Month: November 2019

Ask The Expert

Your question has been answered by Nick Katz, Senior Manager of Legal Services at CASA.

Each month, one of our NGO partners’ legal experts answers a question on immigration, asked by you! Reach us at our contact page below or tweet at us using the hashtag #AskiFood to ask your immigration question.

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Back in Time: DREAMers

On November 12, 2019, the Supreme Court is hearing the case on DREAMers for the first time. Do you know that this program was started in 2012 and rescinded in 2017? Let’s review the timeline.

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DREAMers in Danger

By Marshall Fitz, Managing Director of Immigration at Emerson Collective

In this November issue of The Think Table, Marshall Fitz, Managing Director of Immigration at Emerson Collective and one of the nation’s leading legislative immigration strategists and advocates explains the crucial November 12 Supreme Court case on DREAMers. The Court’s decision will undoubtedly affect millions of Americans.

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