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Month: March 2021

Téa’s Coffee: Immigrant Women & Girls

Its women’s history month in the US and March 8th is international women’s day, but immigrant women are often forgotten, despite being huge drivers of the economy and our society. Nonetheless, immigrant women are breaking through…and this Think Table celebrates their success.

Three Things to Know … Immigrant Women

In celebration of Women’s History Month, we shine a light on the many ways that immigrant women and girls in the United States are contributing to the economy and American society. Here are three things you should know.

Immigrant Women … CEOs

As entrepreneurs and business owners, immigrant women create jobs for Americans, spurring economic growth and innovation.

Immigrant Women … By the Numbers

It’s undeniable that immigrant women and girls have helped shaped who we are as a society. Today there are about 23 million immigrant women living in the U.S. And many of these immigrant women have overcome huge barriers and broken many glass ceilings in order to succeed.

Immigrant Women and Girls in the United States

by Jeanne Batalova, Senior Policy Analyst at Migration Policy Institute and Manager of the Migration Data Hub

Originally published by the Migration Policy Institute’s online journal, the Migration Information Source, as: Jeanne Batalova, “Immigrant Women and Girls in the United States,” Migration Information Source, March 4, 2020, Reprinted with permission.

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